To mention afew: the Toyota Corolla that broke down on the road after driving for 20 minutes, the unreliable Honda ball-joint that pulled off the track at a speed bump, the impressive sights of the ongoing construction of Dangote's Obajana/Kabba road giving travellers an alternative bypass to the Okene/Kabba route, the Ekiti kid (at the road-side) that sold 12 pieces of banana for 100naira (equivalent to that of 400naira in Abuja) and the likes...
Incidentally, a truck heading towards the Northern Nigeria from the South-West got derailed along the deterioriating Kabba/Omuo-Ekiti Federal Road (specifically at Ikoyi-Ijumu town in Kogi State).
As theorized by me, the ugly incidence occured due to the state of the poorly maintained road while the driver was trying to dogde the big pot-holes in a quest to get a head-on to the North...
Averagely, the ETA - Expected Time of Arrival of travellers between Omuo-Ekiti to Kabba, Kogi State should not be more than 25 minutes @ 120kmph, but the ETA is now roughly more than 1hour, you can hardly "Pedal to the Metal"!!!
The first question that flashed my mind when i had a sight of the incidence was that: "what if an innocent vehicle was passing by the trailer?" but we thank God that nothing of such happened.
It should be noted that most of the auto-crash incidence that occured in the past are often traceable to bad roads... However, i will not deny the fact that the Federal Government has been trying all viable means to fix the transport infrastructure of the Nation, but, i will like her to shift more interventional attention in fixing some deterioriating Federal Roads, such as this of Omuo-Ekiti/Kabba road which is one of the major link between the southern and northern Nigeria.
Lastly, i need to note that this particular road has been in a deterioriating state for several years without any effort to get it fixed, I hereby use this medium to reach out to FERMA (Federal Road Maintenance Agency) to yield to this wake up call.
God Bless Nigeria...

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