Saturday, November 08, 2014

Don’t Allow Electronics to Interfere with Your Marriage

We’re living in an age where we have electronic tools that were only dreamed about by past generations. Things we never thought possible have become part of our everyday lives. Within the past 15 years,...

Ways to Bring Back Those Loving Feelings

After years of marriage a couple runs the risk of becoming more like roommates rather than romantic lovers. Household chores, caring for children, stress related to work, and dealing with finances...

Should You Tell People if You Are Experiencing Infertility Problems?

99511485Infertility is a very private issue, however, when people are suffering with it, gaining support can be very important. So many couples wonder, should we tell anyone if we are having infertility problems?  There are certainly pros and cons to revealing this very intimate issue with others and there are steps couples can take to ensure that they are making a good choice when talking about it to others.
Potential Problems with Revealing It
One of the biggest issues in revealing any infertility problems you are having is how others are likely to respond. Sometimes people make comments and gives suggestions that just aren’t all that supportive. For example, if your grandmother says, “I know a good home-made cure that will guarantee pregnancy,” it isn’t likely to be helpful.
Or other people tend to say things such as, “You should just adopt,” or “When you quit putting so much pressure on yourselves, it will happen.” Although they may be very well intentioned with their comments, their sentiments may not be all that helpful.
Sometimes people have strong opinions about infertility. If you’re trying to conceive using IVF or another method, others may offer opinions about how silly it is to be paying so much money or they may make even make jokes about your efforts.
And then of course, there may be problems with gossip. Tell one person, and suddenly the whole family, or worse yet, the entire neighborhood knows your business. And you might not want the whole world knowing what’s happening.
Why It Makes Sense to Tell
Despite some of the potential downfalls of telling others about your infertility problems, it can make sense because there are likely others out there who can offer you some much needed support. In fact, if you talk to other couples, you’ll likely find that many of them experienced infertility issues at one time or another, they just hadn’t talked about it previously.
And there are many people who can give you genuine support and hope. Sometimes support comes in the form of emotional support where you may have a friend or relative who can simply listen to you. Or it may even be in the form of financial support from someone who can offer assistance if you need it.
Telling others can also help you not have to deal with the awkward question of, “When are you going to have kids?” When people know you hope to and are aware of what is going on, hopefully you won’t have to deal with answering this one as often.
Choosing Who to Tell
It’s important that you and your spouse come to an agreement about who to tell and how much you want to tell. If one of you prefers to keep the matter more private than the other, you need to discuss it. If one of you is uncomfortable, it’s probably best to keep the information quiet.
Discuss your motivation for telling someone else. For example, do you want to tell your neighbor because you’re pretty sure that she’ll be a great emotional support? Or do you want to tell your mother just so she’ll stop hounding you about grandkids? Whatever the reason is, make sure you discuss it.
Also practice developing a script together. How much detail do you want to tell people? They may ask questions about which one of you has “the problem,” or may want to know what steps you’ve taken to increase your chances at fertility.
You may want to keep it vague and say you’re trying to work on it or maybe it makes sense to give the details. Either way, it is most important that you both are in agreement with how much information to offer.
Don’t feel obligated to tell anyone. Just because you tell your mother-in-law, it doesn’t mean you have to tell your mother. Choose the people who are likely to be most supportive.
If you spill the beans to someone in an unplanned way, it’s important to tell your partner. Perhaps you told a co-worker who just revealed having a similar problem. Or maybe you were having a bad day and you mentioned it to your friend. Whatever the reason, stay honest with your spouse. Even if it means your spouse may be upset.
Gain Support as a Couple
There are lots of options to gain support as a couple as well. Consider a support group for others who are trying to conceive. Read articles and book together. Even online forums can be a good source of support. And a professional counselor can assist you as well in dealing with infertility and addressing any issues it may be causing for you emotionally or as a couple.

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Don’t Allow Electronics to Interfere with Your Marriage

159205570We’re living in an age where we have electronic tools that were only dreamed about by past generations. Things we never thought possible have become part of our everyday lives. Within the past 15 years, the technological advances available to us have skyrocketed so fast that most of us can’t keep up.
Many of these new electronic tools and gadgets are supposed to make communication easier. Email, text messaging, and cell phones should make it so we can be in constant contact with anyone we wish. Sounds like it should really improve our communication.
The truth is, electronics seem to be causing problems for a lot of married couples. Instead of helping communication, they seem to be a barrier. Instead of allowing for more time together, they seem to be taking away quality time together for many couples. Instead of making work easier, it seems it encourages many people to take their work home with them.
Having access to the latest technology isn’t a bad thing and it doesn’t have to be bad for your marriage. It is important however, to set some limits with your spouse and to monitor your usage. Taking some proactive steps to address your usage of electronics can be very helpful to your relationship.
Give Your Spouse Quality Attention
If your spouse tries to say something to you while you are watching television are you guilty of not paying attention? If you are using the computer do you sometimes respond with “yep” or “uh huh” but have no idea what your spouse just said to you? Do you send text messages while riding in the car together, during dinner, or while you are on a date together? These are just a few examples of ways in which technology can interfere with a couple’s quality time.
It is important to set aside technology each day and make time for each other. And when you are spending time together, make sure you can really be present with your spouse and not checking your email or answering text messages.
Set Limits on Electronics Usage
Talk to your spouse about what time frame seems like it is a reasonable amount of time to use electronics a day. Perhaps two hours of television and computer time seems like a good limit. Or maybe you think 30 minutes a day is enough. Each couple will have a different limit depending on your schedules and responsibilities.
Then, without making any changes, spend one week keeping track of how much time you spend using your cell phone, using the computer, playing video games, or watching television. Write it down each day. This can be eye-opening for many people. Most people underestimate how much time they really spend using electronics each day and are surprised to see how many hours they actually spend using electronics.
Once you are aware of how much time you actually spend using the electronics, develop a plan to decrease your usage if necessary. Replace time you usually spent watching television with talking to your spouse. Instead of communicating via text message or social media, spend time together. Plan a date night. Get outside together. Do something together that can help build your relationship.
Agree to leave your cell phone at home when you go on dates together. If the thought of this invokes feelings of panic, remember that not too long ago, people didn’t have cell phones and they survived just fine. If you can’t bear to not have it, at least agree to turn it on silent and avoid constantly checking to see if you are missing anything. The point is to give your spouse the attention.
Electronics Fast
Willing to take a more radical approach to decreasing your dependence on electronics? Consider electronics fast! Spend just one week without the television, computer, and other electronics. Can’t imagine giving up everything for a whole week? Try just one thing, such as television.
Giving up electronics for a short period of time will help you reconnect. It can remind you of how to spend quality time together doing something that doesn’t involve technology. It can help you rediscover other things you like to do and can make a big difference in your relationship.
Even if you don’t “fast” from electronics, consider setting some ground rules. For example, turn off the television during dinner. Shut off the computer an hour before you go to bed, etc. These sorts of rules can help ensure that you are interacting with each other more than with the electronics.

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Ways to Bring Back Those Loving Feelings

87462546After years of marriage a couple runs the risk of becoming more like roommates rather than romantic lovers. Household chores, caring for children, stress related to work, and dealing with finances can cause those loving feelings to dwindle over time if they aren’t addressed. Sometimes people don’t bother to try and rekindle those feelings after they’ve lost them.
The good news is there are plenty of things couples can do to help bring back those loving feelings. The best way to change how you feel about something is to change your thoughts and your behaviors. When you think differently and do things differently you will feel differently. This is especially true when you change how you think about your spouse and how you behave toward your spouse.  Making some small changes can make a big difference in how you feel.
How to Think Differently
Thinking negative thoughts about your spouse leads to negative feelings. Remembering the time your spouse said something that hurt your feelings or that he didn’t do something you expected can lead to you feeling angry, resentful, and frustrated about your spouse. This may cause you to question your spouse’s love for you or you may even begin to question your entire marriage.
It doesn’t even necessary have to be negative thoughts that lead to negative feelings. Sometimes, the absence of positive thoughts can also make your relationship feel somewhat “blah.” If you are focused on your job, your kids, and other areas of your life, you may not spend much time thinking about the positive aspects of your marriage.
Here are some strategies to help you think differently so that you can feel more positive about your marriage:
  • Replace negative thoughts with more realistic ones- Whenever you notice that you are having negative thoughts about your partner, replace them with more realistic thoughts. For example, if you think, “He’s such a slob. He never cleans up after himself,” replace it with something that is more accurate such as “He prefers to do things other than cleaning and sometimes he doesn’t put his dishes in the sink.” Sometimes a simple change in the wording can make a big difference in how you feel.
  • Ask yourself what you would say to a friend with the same problem- Think about how you would respond to a friend or loved one who approached you with the same problem and try to give yourself the same advice. For example, how would you respond to a friend who said, “I feel so frustrated that my husband works such long hours.  Sometimes  I think he doesn’t care about spending time with me.” Perhaps you could reassure your friend or tell her to try and communicate with him about it. Give yourself the same advice you’d give to your friend and it can be easier to put your situation into a better perspective.
  • Spend time each day focusing on good things about your spouse- Conjure up positive thoughts about your spouse each day. Create a list of five of your spouse’s best qualities or the five times that you felt most in love with your spouse. Read the list every day and it will change how you feel.
  • Create opportunities to walk down memory laneLook through old pictures or a scrapbook to remind you of fun times you have together. Remembering vacations, trips, adventures and other times can help you feel those loving feelings again.
How to Behave Differently
Sometimes people say they don’t spend any quality time with their spouse because they don’t feel like it. Well if you wait until you suddenly and spontaneously feel those loving feelings, you may be waiting a long time. Instead, it is important to change your behavior first and this will change how you feel.
  • Behave like a loving partner even when you don’t feel like it- True love means acting like a loving spouse, even when you don’t feel like it. So, do something nice for your partner. Ask yourself, what do couples who are really in love do? Then do just that. The feelings will follow.
  • Do one thing each day to show your love- Establish good habits and do one thing each day to show your love. Whether you leave a loving note in your partner’s pocket, make a special dinner or buy a surprise gift, it is important to behave lovingly each and every day.
  • Provide physical affection- When you feel like you’ve lost those loving feelings it is more important than ever to provide physical affection. Behaving affectionately can help you to feel more affectionate and loving. Remember, change your behavior first and the feelings will follow.

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The Good Marriage

The good marriage.  Is it possible?  Do you want it?  Do you want to keep it?  These are the ways.
Love does conquer all.  But, it is not that romantic surge of love, which is sufficient, but rather the love that draws things and people rightly together. 
The good marriage requires that each recognize how difficult it is for two people to live together in the first place.  Each of the loving pair (even the not-so-loving pair) comes from a different background.  Genetically they are different.  In terms of background and expectations, they are different.  In their thinking styles; in their love styles; in their desire styles, they are different.  In fact, it is sometimes a miracle that two people can live together for a long time and still remain bound to each other in a most fortunate way.  To tell the truth, I am one of a pair of them.  We have been married for a very long time.  And despite the difficulties (which were difficult difficulties at the time, I must say), we have not only survived but we have grown together.  In fact, love, like vines, grows between people, given mutual tolerance, mutual charity, and mutual respect.
People do grow together.  But first:
In order to overcome difficulties, it is important for each of the pair, each at the time, to stop being the self-convinced one.  We all see the world through the eyes of our own assumptions, expecting other people to think and feel and see things the way we do.  That is far from true.  So the first step is to suspend your assumptions, stop being yourself, and join with the other person, almost fuse, and feel the other person’s opinion and point of view for a time.  This requires a contract that one will talk at a time while the other listens and then expect the same from the other.  You will find that this is a new way.  The ordinary way is for each person to be hurt or angry or whatever else and retreat behind a wall into his/her own assumptions and sense of righteousness.  The wall grows and the other person retreats even further into his/her sense of righteousness and so it goes.  This creates conflicts, even wars between nations, let alone between people.
If you practice this, you will grow not only toward the good marriage, the lasting marriage, the most rewarding marriage but you will be growing yourself into a point where you become stronger in terms of your emotions, more patient, more wise because you will know yourself and the other person.  You will also know people around you.  This is a great reward.
To summarize:
  1. Make a contract that each will listen to the other, one at a time.
  2. Stop being yourself for a moment.  Become your partner.
  3. Expect the same of him/her.
  4. With this new understanding, have a dialogue in which you begin to not only understand each other but reach a really satisfactory point of view.
  5. Realize that in this you are growing your own self in terms of personal strength

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162704613When it comes to relationships, there’s a lot of advice out there about what you should do differently or how you can make your divorce-proof your marriage. However, a lot of marital satisfaction has more to do with your attitude rather than anything else. Keeping your attitude in the right place can help you to have realistic expectations of your relationship and can improve marital satisfaction.
1. All Couples Have Problems
All couples have differences and that’s not a bad thing. If marriage were really easy, it wouldn’t help us grow as individuals or as a couple. The way you address your problems is what has the capacity to be a problem. Learning how to negotiate, cope and work together can make your marriage stronger.
2. Healthy People Make the Best Partners
If you take steps to take care of yourself, physically, socially, intellectually and emotionally, you’ll make a much better partner. It’s important to not just focus on your marriage, but to take steps to grow as a person that will excite, nurture, and care for your spouse. Give your spouse good reason to want to be married to you by taking care of yourself.
3. “In Love” Feelings Change Over Time
Those romantic feelings that caused you to get together in the first place weren’t meant to last forever. In love feelings change over time and you shouldn’t blame it on changes to your relationship. Instead, accept that it’s normal to grow a more mature sort of love instead of focusing on recreating what life was like when you were dating.
4. Intimacy is Built Over Time
Work on growing your intimacy and marriage over time. Sometimes couples feel the relationship grows stale and they think they know everything there is to know about their partner. However, there are always opportunities to learn more. Look for new opportunities to grow closer as a couple and you’re intimacy can continue to grow throughout the years.
5. Your Relationship Will Change Throughout Life’s Stages
Nothing in life ever stays the same. And as your life changes, your marriage will too. If you have kids, move to a new town, start a new job or have new friends, your relationship will change as well. But change isn’t bad and if you focus on keeping your marriage healthy, your marriage will adapt much easier to the changes.
6. You Have Control Over Yourself Only
Focus on what you can change and don’t waste too much energy trying to force your spouse to change. Your attempts to nag, beg and force your partner into submission are likely to take cause more problems rather than help. So, spend your energy working on making yourself the best partner you can be.
7. Making Marriage a Priority is Healthy
Don’t let your marriage fall to the bottom of the priority list. Sometimes kids, money, extended family, social relationships begin to take up so much time that there’s little room for the marriage. However, if your marriage is not healthy, your parenting, your relationships with other people, your income, and your job are at-risk of being negatively impacted.
Put your marriage at the top of your priority list. Make time for your spouse and work together on your goals. Don’t give in to any feelings of guilt if you spend time with your spouse. After all, what could be more important?
8. Learning and Growing Together Makes for a Happier Marriage
Work on growing together as a couple to help ensure you have common interests. And make sure to have interests outside of just raising the kids. Take up a new sport, venture to a new area, try a class together or pick up a hobby that you both enjoy. This can keep your marriage fresh and exciting and ensure that you grow together rather than apart.
9. It Takes Effort to Protect Your Marriage
If you assume that your marriage is good and nothing bad will happen to it, you’re at-risk of having something bad happen. It takes effort to protect your marriage from the outside world. This means guarding your marriage against the temptations of an affair. It also means setting healthy boundaries with friends and family members.  Learning about relationships, attending counseling and working together should be part of keeping your relationship healthy and not a last minute effort to prevent divorce.
10. The Grass Isn’t Greener on the Other Side
Sometimes people think that the grass is greener on the other side.  Daydreaming about what life could be like if you were single or if you had a different partner is dangerous territory. These thoughts don’t tend to be rooted in any sort of reality and can often make it feel like your marriage is holding you back in life. The realities of divorce or an affair aren’t pretty. Don’t waste the time you could be focusing on your marriage dreaming about how the grass could be greener.

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The Good Marriage

86544528Amor vincit omnia.
Love conquers all.
The good marriage.  Is it possible?  Do you want it?  Do you want to keep it?  These are the ways.
Love does conquer all.  But, it is not that romantic surge of love, which is sufficient, but rather the love that draws things and people rightly together. 
The good marriage requires that each recognize how difficult it is for two people to live together in the first place.  Each of the loving pair (even the not-so-loving pair) comes from a different background.  Genetically they are different.  In terms of background and expectations, they are different.  In their thinking styles; in their love styles; in their desire styles, they are different.  In fact, it is sometimes a miracle that two people can live together for a long time and still remain bound to each other in a most fortunate way.  To tell the truth, I am one of a pair of them.  We have been married for a very long time.  And despite the difficulties (which were difficult difficulties at the time, I must say), we have not only survived but we have grown together.  In fact, love, like vines, grows between people, given mutual tolerance, mutual charity, and mutual respect.
People do grow together.  But first:
In order to overcome difficulties, it is important for each of the pair, each at the time, to stop being the self-convinced one.  We all see the world through the eyes of our own assumptions, expecting other people to think and feel and see things the way we do.  That is far from true.  So the first step is to suspend your assumptions, stop being yourself, and join with the other person, almost fuse, and feel the other person’s opinion and point of view for a time.  This requires a contract that one will talk at a time while the other listens and then expect the same from the other.  You will find that this is a new way.  The ordinary way is for each person to be hurt or angry or whatever else and retreat behind a wall into his/her own assumptions and sense of righteousness.  The wall grows and the other person retreats even further into his/her sense of righteousness and so it goes.  This creates conflicts, even wars between nations, let alone between people.
If you practice this, you will grow not only toward the good marriage, the lasting marriage, the most rewarding marriage but you will be growing yourself into a point where you become stronger in terms of your emotions, more patient, more wise because you will know yourself and the other person.  You will also know people around you.  This is a great reward.
To summarize:
  1. Make a contract that each will listen to the other, one at a time.
  2. Stop being yourself for a moment.  Become your partner.
  3. Expect the same of him/her.
  4. With this new understanding, have a dialogue in which you begin to not only understand each other but reach a really satisfactory point of view.
  5. Realize that in this you are growing your own self in terms of personal strength
- See more at:

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Friday, November 07, 2014

Raw Vegetable Diet

David Wolfe on the Importance of Eating Greens
Whether you're eating cooked food or are on a raw vegetable diet, everyone knows how important vegetables and fruits are. How come then, that we're not eating as many as we should?
How come that the two only servings of vegetables for many people are french fries and tomato ketchup? (I'm not kidding, in the US they are considered servings of vegetables!)

Why eat greens?

All greens are alkalizing, and all contain:
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • folic acid; and
  • magnesium.
Some examples of great green vegetables:
  • broccoli;
  • kale;
  • lettuce;
  • celery;
  • spinach.

How best to eat greens?

Run them through a juicer, and you will get all the benefits of these plants within 15 minutes.
That's how quick a vegetable juice is absorbed by your digestive tract, into your blood. This way you'll get the most benefits out of vegetables fastest,juicing vegetables when you're on a raw vegetable diet. (Go here forvegetable juice recipes.
You could also make a green smoothie. You may add some fruits for taste. (Click here if you want learn how to make smoothies and green smoothie recipes.)

Where To Find Organic Greens?

What to do when it's hard to find fresh vegetables in your neighborhood? People are powerful. You can start your own little COOP. You can find 5 or 6 people and order from an organic farm nearest you.
Or grow your own vegetable garden. Then you're completely in control of your food. One of the best solutions to all problems we're facing today is growing your own vegetables. This is better for the economy and environment. It will "ground" you, because it will connect you with the soil.
And, when you put your own love into your food, it tastes better. Like mothers' home cooking tastes better than anything you can buy in a store or fast food restaurant. Everybody knows that. It's not explainable scientifically, but it's true. It's the same thing when having your own garden.

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How To Cure Food Poisoning

Here you'll find info on how to cure food poisoning. Food poisoning is an illness caused by bacteria or other toxins in food. Symptoms of food poisoning are typically vomiting and diarrhea.
Today, with refrigerators, ozonators, hydrogen peroxide and general hygiene improvements, you should be able to eat your foods raw safely. However, in case you ever do get sick from bad food, here's how to cure your food poisoning effectively, safe and quick:

Emergency Steps

First, stop eating all solid foods. Drink plenty of purified water
Then, take one or more of these:
  1. NCD - Zeolites;
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV);
  3. Grapefruit Seed Extract;
  4. Garlic;
  5. Coloidal Silver;
  6. Goldenseal Root.
Finally, replace lost electrolytes: young coconut water is excellent for this. If you don't have this. You might add a little sea salt or himalayan salt to your drinking water.

Directions Supplements

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Juice, or Camu Camu
These are acidic substances and will kill the bad bacteria in your stomach. Most people report instant relieve when they use this. Make sure to drink the juice as acid as you can, preferably straight (lemon juice and ACV) and don't eat anything with it. How to cure food poisoning using these acids:
ACV: Take too tablespoons on empty stomach.
Lemon Juice: drink the juice of 4 lemons straight.
Camu Camu: 1/2 tablespoon in 1/2 cup purified water.
You may want to add (liquid) stevia to sweeten it.
Note: Rinse your teeth with baking soda RIGHT AFTER these drinks, as they may destroy the enamel on your teeth if not neutralized.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Add a few drops of this liquid to water or to the juice above.

NCD - Zeolites

Many raw foodists have this powerful detoxer. It's a tiny little bottle (I have the Natural Cellular Defence brand). It's quit expensive (about 40$), but if you have it use it now. For me this has proven to be the most effective of all supplements. I've given this to others who got ill ant it worked for them too. Very quickly. So if you want to know how to cure food poisoning, this would be my No. 1 advise. Put 3-5 drops in a glass of pure water or put it in your freshly made juice. Be aware that NCD is a diuretic. So drink even more water. The zeolites stay in your body for up to 6 hours so repeat every 6 hours.


Cut up 1 glove of garlic and swallow it with water (like a pill). You may also juice it if you can hold it down, but I prefer the first method. Carlic has strong anti viral, anti bacterial and anti fungal properties.

Coloidial Silver

This is a natural antibiotic. If you have it in your house you may want to use it now. Follow the directions on the bottle.

Goldenseal Root

I've never used it, but heard raving stories from friends. How to cure food poisoning with goldenseal rood? Start with 1 or 2 caps after an hour take 3 capsules. Always drink with sufficient water but don't drown yourself.
Remember your stomach is very stressed so wait for a break between vomiting or swelling of the stomach. As soon as you start eliminating more fluid like stools then you can start taking the same dose again to ensure. This is another natural antibiotic and can be a diuretic so rehydrate to flush the bacterial infection out. Try not to eat because it will feed more poisons and be too much work for your system to digest and cure.


Charcoal seems to be an effective remedy on how to cure food poisoning, but since I'm a raw foodists I don't recommend it. For completeness sake I'll add it here though. (Directions: take some charcoal or simply toast bread until it's brown.)


If you're nursing you should be able to continue this. The toxins shouldn't enter the breast milk. Just in case, you might want to use the NCD (details above) to take any toxins out of your body in a safe way. Also drink even more water so you will have enough milk and to dilute the milk as an extra safety measure.


In most cases food poisoning won't enter the placenta. There are some exceptions though. Listeria or salmonella for example. These might harm your unborn baby. The natural food poisoning cures above can be safely used during pregnancy. To be sure ask to your health practitioner.

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Raw Food Weight Loss - Diet Plan

Begin memorizing these 4 Weight Loss Rules and you'll be on your ROAD to weight loss success:
  • Eat Raw
  • Eat Organic
  • Eat Alkaline
  • Eat Delicious
Also remember that you can eat as much, as often and as pleasurable as you like.

Rule 1: Eat RAW

Examples of raw food dishes:
  • Raw fish: sashimi, ceviche, cold smoked or cured fish
  • Raw cheese: raw goat cheese, raw sheep cheese;
  • Raw nuts, Seeds;
  • Raw and dried fruit;
  • Raw and dried veggies;
  • Raw soups: gazpacho, cucumber;
  • Super foods
  • Raw meats: steak tartar, filet americain, cold smoked or cured meats
  • Sprouted breads, bagels, tortilla wraps
  • Raw cakes, ice-creams, smoothies, alcoholic drinks, juices, cookies, snacks
You see, eating raw is just another way of preparing your food. But the variety and kind of foods largely remain the same. It's fun!

Rule 2: Eat ALKALINE

Raw Food Diet Health
You're fat because your acid. Eating alkalizing foods will make you thin. It's that easy. In other words, you'll only achieve healthy long term weight loss when your body has an alkaline pH.
Simply put. All (green) vegetables and herbs are alkalizing.Fruits are neutral or slightly acid forming. Most nuts and seeds are slightly acidic.
For a full list of alkaline foods click here.
To make sure your diet is alkaline - and this is slightly different for everyone - you must test yourself daily. You can do this very easily and cheap with pH test strips.

Rule 3: Eat ORGANIC

One of the advantages of organic foods is that they contain much more nutrients, including alkalizing minerals than conventional grown foods. Thus eating organic speeds up weight loss.


You'll only succeed on a raw food weight loss diet if the food you eat is delicious. Thus make sure you buy the best, freshest and most delicious ingredients. These are fresh, organic and locally grown. Then, use the tastiest recipes. Don't be cheap on your food - you deserve the best.

Remember the 4 raw food weight loss diet rules for your ROAD to SUCCESS?
  • Eat Raw
  • Eat Organic
  • Eat Alkaline
  • Eat Delicious
On this diet it's hard NOT to lose weight!.

Now you know what to eat, it's time to make up your raw food diet plan. Or browse through the raw food recipes for weight loss.
The possibilities are endless and delicious!

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Benefits of Elderberry

According to Dutch folklore the benefits of elderberry (sambuca or vlierbes) are plenty: the Dutch believe that the tea of the leafs purifies your blood. Tea of flowers boosts your immune system. The cooked berries improve your metabolism and are used to relieve arthritis. Syrup made from elderberries is said to heal a sore throat and reduce fever when you have the flu.
If you bind the leafs together and keep them above your window or door, they keep mosquitoes away. Crowns of elderberry branches were given to horses to keep annoying flies at distance.

Elderberry Recipes

You can use both the flowers and berries for making wine, jam and paint.
Best way to consume elderberries if making a tea from the leafs or flowers, or making a delicious lemonade from the blossom.
At the moment everyone around me has come down with the flu. Except me of course. It might be my raw food diet, or maybe the elderberry blossom lemonade that I drink a lot of that is supposed to boost the immune system.
Here's the elderberry recipe for the lemonade: Pick the flowers and put them in a can of water. Leave water can with the blossom outside, preferably in the sun, for a few hours. The result is a delicious and refreshing lemonade. You can also use the young leafs - especially around midsummer (21 june) when they are most powerful.


Warning: the unripe elderberries contain sambunigrine which is mildly toxic, thus, if you eat the berries only eat the realy ripe ones. And only eat berries from the black elderberry plant.

More Elderberry Information

For more info on the elderberry, watch the video above. It has some great elderberry information on how to recognize this plant, the benefits of elderberry, where to watch out for and where to find them.

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How to Make Almond Milk

Many visitors asked me how to make almond milk. This is a popular drink amongst raw foodists. It's healthy, nutritious, dairy free and a alternative for cow's milk. Almonds are high in Vitamin E, Copper, Manganese, Magnesium, and Phosphorus. Almond milk gives creaminess to smoothies.

Here is how to make Almond Milk


2 cups (spring) water
1/2 cup raw almonds
Pinch of salt
Few drops or half stick vanilla (optional)
Few drops stevia to taste (optional)
Nut milk bag or cheese cloth


  1. Let almonds soak overnight in water.(for better digestion).
  2. In the morning rinse and drain the almonds. Then put them in your blender or jar. Add 2 - 3 cups of clean (spring) water and a pinch of salt.
  3. Blend well.
  4. Poor the almond milk in the nut bag. It's easiest if you have a large bowl underneath to catch the filtered milk.
  5. Now holding the bag with one hand, squeeze the milk with your other hand (see the video of victoria above)
  6. Add the other (optional) ingredients and blend briefly if needed.


  • If you dehydrate the almond pulp you can use it to make raw cakes and cookies.
  • Drink the milk as is or use in smoothies, soups or other recipes. Many friends save it in the fridge for about 2 days (shake before drinking), although I prefer to drink it fresh.
  • You can buy nut bags at most health stores and online. They're about 5 dollars each. You can also use nylons, cheese cloth or paint strainer.
  • Going to the store to buy soy, rice, nut or cows milk takes a whole lot longer and is much more expensive than making fresh almond milk. A Vitamix (or any other blender) full with fresh almond milk costs you about 50 cents. You make the almond milk less than 10 minutes.

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Raw Food Blog

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  • lets you know whenever any new web pages appear on The Best Of Raw Food, telling you about a new find or adventure.
  • keeps you up-to-date with other events, videos or news about raw food (like the raw chocolate club party!)
  • points out some of our super-special past adventures you might otherwise miss.

  • lets you know when I meet or (video) interview a raw food expert.
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Breaking The Food Seduction

Neil Barnard is really amazing in explaining why a vegan diet works, why we have food addictions and how to overcome them. After listening to him it's hard to imagine you'll ever eat meat or dairy again... Video is almost 1 hr long but worth watching and a fantastic way to motivate yourself. When I have more time I'll write down a summary ...

Reverse Diabetes With Raw Food

Did you know that you can reverse diabetes when you eat raw food? If you know someone with diabetes you may want to show them this video. I've visited this retreat center and the results were stunning.

How To Cure Cancer in Weeks

This interview with Dr Coldwell is absolutely mind blowing. I think you'll absolutely like to see this.

Dr. Leonard Coldwell has cured over 35,000 cancer patients and other chronic diseases (92% cure rate) without medication, radiation or surgery. You may want to sit steady on your chair when you watch this because you might fall off if you hear what he says - absolutely incredible.

Personally, I'm most grateful for dr Coldwell amazing work. It's thanks to the raw food diet AND his U-cure CD system that I have 3 healthy children (after being diagnosed with infertility for 6 years... ).

Nigerian Woman Shows Off Giant Cassava Tuber She Harvested From Her Farm (Photo)

  A woman from Orlu, Imo State showed off a giant Cassava tuber she harvested from her farmland, NairaNaijaNews reports. See photo below.