The Special Intelligence Response Team IRT in Abuja headed by the most celebrated and intelligent Detective ACP Abba Kyari - has received a lot of praises from Nigerians following recent crackdowns on notorious criminal elements in various parts of the country. The gallant officer, Abba Kyari is pictured in the United States during a vacation...
Abba Kyari, who has been labelled 'Nigeria's Jack Bauer' due to his effort in bringing high-profile hoodlums to justice - was the officer who led to the capture of Henry Chibueze, notoriously known as “Vampire” and also Nigeria's most brilliant kidnapper, Evans who is said to have made billions in the course of kidnapping.
At 41, Abba Kyari is not just the youngest high-ranking police officer in Nigeria, but is said to be one of the most hardworking.
Apart from his success in Lagos as head of SARS for four years, Kyari led the team that helped when the mother of Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, then finance minister was abducted in Ogwuashi-Uku in Delta state. Jide Ojo, better known as Marvelous, Buhari Hamadola, Hassan Oseni, Micheal Ojeabulu,Endurance Eke and Ibrahim Abubakar were all arrested.
He is also linked to the arrest of Olanrewaju John, also called Pastor, Okunola Saheed and Saheed Adekunle after they attacked a bureau de change in the Murtala Mohammed Airport, Ikeja, Lagos, in 2013.
CSP. Abba Kyari also led the Special Intelligence Response Team (SIRT) of the Lagos state Police command, that rescued the 3 abducted school girls in Ikorodu on March 6th, 2017 has met with Lagos state governor, Akinwunmi Ambode who expressed his gratitude after the rescue operation.
As a result of his hardwork, Kyari has won many awards including the IGP Commendation Award for Courage 2012, 2013, 2014. He has also won the Governor’s Award for Gallantry, Leadership and Service excellence 2011, 2012, 2013.
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