Monday, September 05, 2016

My son, Omabuwa was Killed-- Chief Etoromi, Stella Oduah's Husband

The  husband of Stella Oduah, Lieutenant Colonel (Chief) Satchie Ayomike Etoromi says he suspect foul play in the death of his son, Mr Maxwell Chinedu Toritseju Etoromi. ...

He said that  controversies surrounding his death will be investigated.

Another son of Chief Etoromi from Stella, Mr Tuoyo Etoromi Oduah, had released a damning statement to his father.

He had in  the statement,  denounced his father saying that he will rather be a bastard than be called his son.

He had accused his father of being an attention seeker in the course of his brother’s death.

But the retired Army officer fired back,imploring his son to retrace his steps and not allow himself to be used by his mother.

Chief Etoromi in his statement to his son wrote thus;
"Eyituoyo my son, they have misled you. When Omabuwa came home last year, Stella, your mother told me to call you to come home. 
She gave me your phone number. She said you were in the United States of America and don't answer calls. All calls to that your phone were not answered. I believe Omabuwa was killed, that is why Stella refused to tell me."
"The stories about how Stella took you away need not be told now. The grief that my son, Omabuwa who was  contacted by your junior sister, Valentina Omawumi Etoromi and who came home is dead is too much a pain for me now. Stella should bring our kids home. I want to bury Omabuwa who is now late, and you my lovely son, Eyituoyo  should come home. I married Stella traditionally and under Ibo marriage law, every child she has before my dowry is returned belongs to me. 
It is Stella and not yourself  who  should tell me  that my son, Omabuwa, your senior brother is dead", he said.
Chief Etoromi also wrote that;
"You said you offered  flight tickets and accommodation to attend the burial and funeral of my son. Burial where? Do you have flight infrastructures at Akili Ozizor now?  Is it Ibo culture for a woman whose dowry was  paid to take her children's corpse to her home town? That is abomination. The controversies surrounding Omabuwa's death will be investigated". 
"My son, do not allow yourself to be dragged into what you do not have knowledge. Could it be that Omabuwa was killed because he came home? This is not the time to talk. May the Almighty God grant us His Mercies, show us light that will make us know the truth. Amen". 
He pointed out that;"Eyituoyo, I am not Mr Satchie Etoromi. I was commissioned into the Nigerian Army and attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel before Stella came into my life. I was also conferred with a Chieftaincy title when she was with me. It is a pity that you were not told my status in life. You will know  I am not a nonentity as you were made to believe"
He added:
"My marriage with Stella was not short. She moved out of our home 19 years ago and so her telling you she divorced me 30 years ago is another big lie. How old are you? So why did she tell you all these lies? I am an incorruptible and disciplined officer and gentleman and you shall be proud that my blood flows in your veins when the truth becomes knowledge. I was a polygamous man  before Stella married me.  I married many wives and it is a custom of our people.  
His Royal Highness, Igwe Oduah 1 of blessed memory had many wives too, so what did I do wrong? When Stella took you and everything away, in humility I prayed for the Almighty God's mercy. Must she not do the needful and bring you to me? The Almighty God shall judge. I am your father. Bring Omabuwa home and come with him. I am not threatening you nor your mother. .  
May the  Almighty God bless you my son. All will be well.

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