Friday, June 03, 2016

NNN Reader Narrated How He Killed A Big Snake In His House [PHOTOS]

A NairaNaijaNews reader sent in story of how he killed a snake in his compound with photos;

At around 9pm last night while the gen was still on, our alsatian dog started barking and this was a sign that either she has seen something strange or someone was around the compound.

I decided to open the gate and on coming out, lo and behold i saw this big snake moving close to our Generator.

Not even thinking twice, got enough big stones and long stick and started decending on the head of the snake.

Killed it , cut off the head and burnt the head

Thanks be to God and to our lovely Dog

Note: compound very neat and fenced and no grass whatsoever BUT we have this uncompleted building near us with lots grasses and we are thinking the snake actually came from there

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Nigerian Woman Shows Off Giant Cassava Tuber She Harvested From Her Farm (Photo)

  A woman from Orlu, Imo State showed off a giant Cassava tuber she harvested from her farmland, NairaNaijaNews reports. See photo below.