The story of Sugabelly, who few days ago revealed that she was raped by the sons of Late Prince Audu Abubakar has received mixed reactions from social media...
While some like Funmi Iyanda and Oby Ezekwesili have spoken out in support of the 26 year old, many others have criticized her, saying she made up the story for attention and money.
Oby Ezekwesili, who is well known as a former minister of the Obasanjo administration and proponent of the Bring Back Our Girls movement revealed that the victim was the daughter of one of her friends back in school and she had no idea until she started investigating the story.
Read the tweets below:
Oby Ezekwesili, who is well known as a former minister of the Obasanjo administration and proponent of the Bring Back Our Girls movement revealed that the victim was the daughter of one of her friends back in school and she had no idea until she started investigating the story.
Read the tweets below:
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