Wednesday, September 02, 2015

SEE Photo: 12 wives of Boko Haram militants surrender in Borno

12 wives of Boko Haram militants have surrendered to members of Civilian JTF in Borno. The women surrendered after their husbands abandoned them in the bush. The women when interrogated said their husbands left them in the forest due to lack of food and fuel supply.

A Leader of state vigilante group in Mussa District in Askira-Uba local government area of Borno state, Apagu Istifanus, said the women surrendered between Monday and Tuesday this week..

''On Monday 4 of them came to Askira after thorough investigation, they told us that their husbands could no longer feed them that they are many in the bush but more were still coming, they have been taken to Biu town for more information. Yesterday at about 4 pm another 8 surfaced again, two of them several months pregnant,. Their husbands had left them and their children at Ngude village in Damboa local government area. But we have handed over to the military. They have moved them to Mubi,'' Apagu said.

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  A woman from Orlu, Imo State showed off a giant Cassava tuber she harvested from her farmland, NairaNaijaNews reports. See photo below.