Sunday, July 05, 2015

Reasons Why You Need To Abstain From Pre-marital S*x

S*x (between two single people) before marriage is fornication.
S*x between a single person and a married person or between two married people is adultery.


1. Premarital s*x is Sin- S*x before marriage is sin as all the 5 points above depicts. And the wages of sin is death. And you cannot continue in sin and expect that God’s grace and blessings continue to abound in your life. Sin is perhaps the reason you are not where your mates are.

Before you die physically, you first die spiritually and then see other things that s*x before marriage will expose you to;

2. Risk of STD- STD is s*xually transmitted disease. There are treatable and untreatable s*xually transmitted diseases and you never can tell who carries it because STDs don’t show on the face.

How about if I use condom?

Even the manufacturers of condom will often say in their advert and on the condom case that there is 2% chance of failure even with the use of condom. Besides, condom may protect you from STD and other risk but it sure cannot protect you from the spiritual implication of s*x!

3. Risk of Pregnancy- It is not necessarily the frequency of s*x that leads to pregnancy. One time s*x is enough for pregnancy to occur. So, abstain from s*x if you are not ready to be a nursing mother or a nursing father! At least your mind will be at rest per chance your monthly period is delayed beyond the expected date.

4. Risk of Disappointment- Singles who have had s*xual int*rcourse are 90% most likely to break up before wedding or marriage commitments. You are free to share anything together but NOT your bodies. There is nothing really special left in you for him and his family to bring huge tubers of yam (if you are Nigerian) and bride price to your parents when you have given him access to what he shouldn’t see just yet. If you truly value your body, you will care who touches it!

5. S*x shows on the body- When every guy you date have all seen your body and had taken the juice of it, what is left is carcass. That is why your br*ast is pointing downwards like those of a nursing mother. (Unconsciously you are even checking it now as you read my write-up) The br*ast of a lady that is yet to have s*x ought to be firm except for a few that are busty or chubby. Illicit pre-marital s*x has made you look like a woman who had had 5 children.

As for the guys, the number of girls you have had s*x with is not a yardstick to measure your masculinity and how much you have ‘conquered’. I pray you don’t go to the great beyond through the channel you came to the earth!


If this is you, I say a big congratulation to you. Why? The angels in heaven are already excited when a sinner turns from his or her ways.

So, what practicals things do I do?- In your closet, ask God to forgive you. God won’t turn this request down, I can assure you!

- Stop seeing your partner in sin

- Make up your mind that you will no longer indulge in s*x until you are married.

- Remember, where there is a will, there is a way.

- Read your Bible more. Go to church more and fellowship with God and the brethren in truth and in spirit.

- Listen to soul lifting messages and music

- Focus on your career or business

- Get a mentor or somebody that you can be accountable to. The person should necessarily be a good Christian, experienced and matured to keep your privates and confidentials.

- Get serious about wedding and marriage plans. If the guy (or lady) who is making love with you is not serious about marriage, begin to prepare your mind for someone else!

Friends, honour God with your body and He will honour you. S*x is sweeter and better enjoyed when you are married. Why do it now with all above consequences. 

Does the consequences worth the temporary pleasure? 
Your guess is as good as mine!

Nigerian Woman Shows Off Giant Cassava Tuber She Harvested From Her Farm (Photo)

  A woman from Orlu, Imo State showed off a giant Cassava tuber she harvested from her farmland, NairaNaijaNews reports. See photo below.