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    IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 08, 2010 02:06 PM|LINK
    The dafault page under the IIS7 setting (under the inetpub\wwwroot directly) was showing the IIS7 image. I deleted the old (defalult) content from the inetpub\wwwroot directory and moved my site under the same directory. Under the Default Docment, I changed the settings and left only Default.aspx as the starting page.
    Every time I access my site from out side with it still goes to the earlier page that used to show the IIS7 image, it does not find the image so it shows no image with error on page but it does not get redirected to the Default.aspx page. If type then my app works perfectly fine.
    I though my browser was showing the page from its cache. I cleared all history and tried again but it is still pointing to the old (default) page ...
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks in Advance!
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    7046 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 09, 2010 05:42 AM|LINK
    You sure you are making the right request to the right path? can you check IIS log is still serving the original default page? have you browse on the server itself? http://localhost/ ?
    Bernard Cheah
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    11 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 09, 2010 07:02 PM|LINK
    I checked the log, when I try to access the site without putting Default.aspx then it looks for \welcome.png. I had that file in the default directory which I deleted when I uploaded my code. But it is still looking for that file. I created a new directory and moved my code under the new directory but it is still looking for the same file.
    I tried http://localhost/ and it does not give me my site. I checked in the settings and localhost is just pointing to my machine name at the higher (parent node). My site is created under the parent node (my machine name.) I could not figure it out how to point localhost to the directory where my site is! I tried adding DNS entries for localhost but ...The weird thing is if I try accessing my site from any other machine that has not access the site before then it works fine. If I try accessing my site from machines when I had the default site settings then that request is still looking for welcome.png. I cleared my browser cache but that did not help. I am confused, I don't know if the problem is on the server or on the client machines!

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    7046 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 10, 2010 01:52 AM|LINK
    Zzzz. ok. the default page is specific in the default document setting and to change the where it map to your physical folder, you need to go the basic setting of the website and point it to the right path by default is - %SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot Now, very simple - assuming you are still using the wwwroot path above, create a simple page default.htm with some junk text in it. then browse to http://localhost/ will you able to get the page? by default there are 6 predefined default doc in it - default.htm first, then .asp, index.htm, html, iisstart.htm and default.aspx.
    Bernard Cheah
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    11 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 16, 2010 02:25 PM|LINK
    It is not that simple. I have done everything what you are suggeting.
    I think the problem is related to caching DNS server, read the following -
    My proble is with machines who has accessed the site prior to moving the code. The IP address is chaced on the server, and when any machine from the same network (IP) accesses the site - the server is responding back with the old pages, that the web site is not finding it.
    I need to find out how I can clear the DNS server cache.
    Thank You!

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    7046 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 20, 2010 04:47 AM|LINK
    A DNS cache is for caching the IP address of a host name or vise versa. it is not related to browse cache page which could due to IIS cache, browser cache or proxy cache. if you move the server to new IP, then you can try refresh the DNS record, refresh the client site dns cache, ipconfig /flushdns, etc. once it got the new ip, it will go to the new IP address. if it is page cache issue, like you posted earlier, then it is iis, browser, proxy cache related.
    Bernard Cheah
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    7940 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 20, 2010 05:42 AM|LINK
    "It is not that simple. I have done everything what you are suggeting.
    I think the problem is related to caching DNS server?
    My proble is with machines who has accessed the site prior to moving the code.
     The IP address is changed on the server, and when any machine from the same network (IP) accesses the site
    - the server is responding back with the old pages, that the web site is not finding it."
    This may seem like a dumb question but have you resstarted the IIS Server after making changes?
    The Web Server may not be updated for what it is serving for content.
    If the Server Was not restarted might explain the difference in content remote and local.
    It seems like a GIGO garbage in garbage out problem.
    Martin :)
    Windows and Linux work Together IT-Pros
    Community Member Award 2011 
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    11 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 20, 2010 05:57 PM|LINK
    My server is a vitual server hosted at external ISP. I have restarted my server but don't think that means the entire server is rebooted, it could be my virtual space only! I have stopped and restarted the site many times! The operating system is Windows 2008 R2, I am still learning the new operating environment ...
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    7940 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 21, 2010 12:08 AM|LINK


    My server is a vitual server hosted at external ISP. I have restarted my server but don't think that means the entire server is rebooted, it could be my virtual space only! I have stopped and restarted the site many times! The operating system is Windows 2008 R2, I am still learning the new operating environment ...
    I am glad that have indicated the "server" is a "Hosted" one at an "External" ISP. You say OS is Windows 2008 R2 is that the ISP system
    or the one your working from? Is part of the confusing with working with a "remote server" and "local" content? 
    That information about external ISP and "hosted" means  "server" does not include "local host" only a "remote server".
    The thing you need is the real IP address at the "virtual server" and real  "host" name to browse content.
     The additional item to check with external ISP is "Hosting" operation is they maybe filtering and caching to protect their servers.
    I hope you clear up the questions. I hope the explaination of what is going on can be cleared up.
    Martin :)
    Windows and Linux work Together IT-Pros
    Community Member Award 2011 
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    7046 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 21, 2010 08:01 AM|LINK
    so from the server/client that you try to access the site.. what's the IP if you do a ping at command line? is it the new ip or old? just curious - if it is old ip, you still able to browse? is the old one still running ?
    Bernard Cheah
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    11 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 21, 2010 01:35 PM|LINK
    Thank you all for your responses.
    Specific details regaeding my hosting -
    Hosting with using the virtual server. Has static ip address. The domain name is,
    If you try accessing the site just with the or it will works fine (because you are accessing from the different ip address). When I access my site from anywhere else except from the place where I work as a consultant then it works just fine. I have to type to get to the site from my work place. Any other person from my workplace who has never accessed the site before still gets the response from cache. So, I am sure it is coming from Server.
    I am including the image below to show how it appears when the response from the cache is delivered.
    I did access the site from my workplace before uploading my code and I got the page in response which was the default setting on IIS7, that time server has cached the IP address I was accessing the site from. Now any person from the same network (having the same client IP) gets the same response. (Even if their client machine (or browser)) has never visited the site before. Server is recognizing the client IP address and responding from cache.
    The default setting on IIS 7 was pointing to wwwroot folder, which I deleted. Created another web site under the root, created different physical path, changed the basic settings to point to the newly created physical path, changed default page settings and left only "Default.aspx" as the default page, added bindings, set up DNS, and uploaded my code to the same physical path where the newely created web site is pointing to.

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    7046 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 22, 2010 04:55 AM|LINK
    I got a nice diagram + a login section on the right part of the page when I browse - so I assumed this is the 'working' and while you are getting the IIS7 default page as you posted in above. that's why I'm asking - for those not working client - what's the IP address when you ping from my box it is 184.168.112.x - x is 45. what i'm suspecting is either you are not connecting to this box or the iis7 page is cached somewhere in between. make sense?
    Bernard Cheah
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    11 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 22, 2010 07:20 AM|LINK
    Thank you for trying! If I give full path - then I get the page and everything works fine. That means I am getting the connection. I have narrowed down the problem and it caching on the server, server has cached the client ip address with the request url. I added CNAME entry in the forward lookup with alias - "my", and when I try then it works fine. Do you know how can I clear the cache?
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    7046 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 23, 2010 01:06 AM|LINK
    ha! everything become more clearer now.. mm... so have you try restart IIS services on the server? what if you do a ctrl-f5 at browser to do a force reload? and is there any proxy in between client and server? can you try post the IIS log entries where you access the original url and the one you added recently - I want to check if the request were indeed served from IIS.
    Bernard Cheah
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    91 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 30, 2010 05:01 AM|LINK
    remove the cache files and Remove the temp files of the user account and system account then try one then its working file......
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    7940 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Dec 30, 2010 05:28 AM|LINK



    My server is a vitual server hosted at external ISP. I have restarted my server but don't think that means the entire server is rebooted, it could be my virtual space only! I have stopped and restarted the site many times! The operating system is Windows 2008 R2, I am still learning the new operating environment ...
    I am glad that have indicated the "server" is a "Hosted" one at an "External" ISP. You say OS is Windows 2008 R2 is that the ISP system
    or the one your working from? Is part of the confusing with working with a "remote server" and "local" content? 
    That information about external ISP and "hosted" means  "server" does not include "local host" only a "remote server".
    The thing you need is the real IP address at the "virtual server" and real  "host" name to browse content.
     The additional item to check with external ISP is "Hosting" operation is they maybe filtering and caching to protect their servers.
    I hope you clear up the questions. I hope the explaination of what is going on can be cleared up.
    Martin :)
    The problem with cleaing temp files is this server is "HOSTED".
    The server is not under user control the "Temp","User Account","System Account" are not options for cleaning.
    Martin :)
    Windows and Linux work Together IT-Pros
    Community Member Award 2011 
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    7046 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Jan 03, 2011 07:34 AM|LINK
    do you still experiencing the same issue?
    manage to 'clear' everything?
    Bernard Cheah
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    11 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Jan 03, 2011 02:48 PM|LINK
    I am still experiencing the same issue - Here is the log -
    2011-01-03 15:24:47 GET /IIS+Error.jpg - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+7.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.0.04506.648;+.NET+CLR+3.5.21022;+.NET+CLR+3.0.4506.2152;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729;+InfoPath.1) 200 0 0 515
    2011-01-03 15:27:32 GET /welcome.png - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+7.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.0.04506.648;+.NET+CLR+3.5.21022;+.NET+CLR+3.0.4506.2152;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729;+InfoPath.1) 404 0 2 109
    When request comes from - server is looking for welcome.png -
    • Reply


    7940 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Jan 03, 2011 06:15 PM|LINK


    I am still experiencing the same issue - Here is the log -
    2011-01-03 15:24:47 GET /IIS+Error.jpg - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+7.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.0.04506.648;+.NET+CLR+3.5.21022;+.NET+CLR+3.0.4506.2152;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729;+InfoPath.1) 200 0 0 515
    2011-01-03 15:27:32 GET /welcome.png - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+7.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.0.04506.648;+.NET+CLR+3.5.21022;+.NET+CLR+3.0.4506.2152;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729;+InfoPath.1) 404 0 2 109
    When request comes from - server is looking for welcome.png -
    Looking at the log message and seeing the "welcome.png" brings up a question.
    Is the hosting injecting "advertisments" or "redirection links" ?
    What brings the question up somes hosting sites offer reduced prices by having "Embedded" advertising.
    It might be some thing to look for and might even explain the cache problems.
    Martin :)
    Windows and Linux work Together IT-Pros
    Community Member Award 2011 
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    7046 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Jan 06, 2011 05:18 AM|LINK
    Mmm.. what was the first request? I meant was it iisstart.htm or ? was it requesting the welcome.png directly.  any pages referring to this png file? it just weird if there is none, as the log is showing it was requested by client.
    Bernard Cheah
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    7940 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Jan 06, 2011 06:10 AM|LINK


    Mmm.. what was the first request? I meant was it iisstart.htm or ? was it requesting the welcome.png directly.  any pages referring to this png file? it just weird if there is none, as the log is showing it was requested by client.
    Some forensic info:
    The out of box setup for IIS 7 uses
    welcome.png and is in the root directory and is 181kb.
    The out of box the iisstart.htm is top in the default list.
    item 1.) So is a possible question to ask is are the requests for the "hoster" page or the "hosted" site?
    item 2.) One possible test is rellocate the welcome.png from the root directory and then loog for failures to load the image.
    item 3.) Monitor for a failed get for welcome.png  and the refernce IP.
                   Another test possible is check if old tags for the image exist in the default page.
    item 4.) Next  test create a robots.txt file and place it in the root and look for search bot requests.
     The robots.txt file has the iinstructions to the bots on you pages.
            Its a long shot for what I suggest. But at this time you have little information to work with.
    Martin :)
    Windows and Linux work Together IT-Pros
    Community Member Award 2011 
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    11 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Jan 07, 2011 02:19 PM|LINK
    Thank you for the response.
    The request is looking for iisstart.html, which had the welcome.png referenced. I deleted all default files and copied my code. (Actualy, I deleted the default web site and created new web site and copied my files into the newely created web site.) I mapped my newely created web site with Bindings, IP, DNS entries, etc ...
    The only client request that comes is looking for iisstart.html. That is the IP cached on the server somewhere ... I had access the site from this (client) IP before setting up my code (when the server had default settings). The cached request with this specific IP is still trying to respond back with iisstart.html, welcome.png ....Now these files are deleted, and that is why the response comes back with the image not found error. If I access my site from anywhere else then everything works fine. The problem is with this specific IP.
    I have eliminated the problem to the point where it is due to caching on the server. The question is how would I clear the cache?
    I will try creating robots.txt file ... what should I write in the file? What content goes in the robots.txt file?
    Thank you very much for your help! 
    • Reply


    7940 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Jan 07, 2011 05:14 PM|LINK


    Thank you for the response.
    The request is looking for iisstart.html, which had the welcome.png referenced. I deleted all default files and copied my code. (Actualy, I deleted the default web site and created new web site and copied my files into the newely created web site.) I mapped my newely created web site with Bindings, IP, DNS entries, etc ...
    The only client request that comes is looking for iisstart.html. That is the IP cached on the server somewhere ... I had access the site from this (client) IP before setting up my code (when the server had default settings). The cached request with this specific IP is still trying to respond back with iisstart.html, welcome.png ....Now these files are deleted, and that is why the response comes back with the image not found error. If I access my site from anywhere else then everything works fine. The problem is with this specific IP.
    I have eliminated the problem to the point where it is due to caching on the server. The question is how would I clear the cache?
    I will try creating robots.txt file ... what should I write in the file? What content goes in the robots.txt file?
    Thank you very much for your help! 
    I am glad some of the forensics is working.
    To answer the robots.txt file and contents Search via (Google or Bing) for robotstxt org
    the site has information about how the file works and what content
    a robots.txt file should contain.
    For the question of clearing cache you have some limitations because your  of the hosting company.
    You could ask them to adjust the time for a shorter cache time.
    Martin :)
    Windows and Linux work Together IT-Pros
    Community Member Award 2011 
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    7046 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Jan 10, 2011 01:13 AM|LINK
    just one specific ip ? mm... has you trace where it is actually going through? will you get the same default page request if you do it via wfetch or telnet xxx 80 ?
    Bernard Cheah
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    11 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Jan 10, 2011 02:31 PM|LINK
    It is just for one IP, and the request without any specific page mentioned. If I type in the browser then it works fine! It does not work or !!!
    As a workaround, I am planning to upload a iisstart.html page and redirect the request to the default.aspx page ...
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    1172 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Jan 11, 2011 01:16 AM|LINK
    Both and work fine on my computer, showing same content as default.aspx page.
    It could be cache problem on end user's computer or  ISP. Windows Hosting USA London Singapore
    Windows Hyper-V Server Pure SSD Scalable to 24CPUs 48GB RAM
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    7046 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Jan 11, 2011 06:30 AM|LINK
    @@ the workaround is fine :) but ultimately need to figure where was it 'cached'... hence if you can do a raw and direct HTTP request via wfetch of fiddler, it may helps if it is on network ip or just pure client end browser. 


    It is just for one IP, and the request without any specific page mentioned. If I type in the browser then it works fine! It does not work or !!!
    As a workaround, I am planning to upload a iisstart.html page and redirect the request to the default.aspx page ...
    Bernard Cheah
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    11 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Jan 11, 2011 01:29 PM|LINK
    It is not on the client browser. I cleared browser cache, tried different browsers, and also asked people on the same network to access the site who has never accessed it before. Every request from the same client ip gives the same error ...
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    7046 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Jan 13, 2011 12:46 AM|LINK
    Mm.. this is getting weird :) so you asked your peers to configure this particular IP for their machine and access the site?
    For now - I would do a raw request via wfetch and at the same time, get network team to help me sniff the traffic between the client and server, this should tell you what's going on.
    Bernard Cheah
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    1 Post

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Mar 06, 2013 10:08 AM|LINK
    Did you found any solution of this issue.
    i am facing similar problem and tried several options but didn't found resolution anywhere.
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    11 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Mar 06, 2013 11:21 PM|LINK
    After researching I found out that this happens because of the server Cache. The pages were getting pulled from the Cache and I could not do anything about it since it was a virtual server at Godaddy, and I had no privileges to reset the server Cache. It stayed like that for a few weeks and one day it automatically got cleared.
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    7046 Posts

    Re: IIS 7 - Problem with the default page

    Mar 20, 2013 03:59 AM|LINK
    Hi Sanrose - after 3 yrs :)
    what you experienced is not suppose to happened.
    if content has changed, IIS will pick it up instead of serving it from the memory cache copies.
    Bernard Cheah

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