Wednesday, April 22, 2015


4 Business Opportunities in the Beauty/ Skincare Industry
Are you looking for answers on what areas to invest in the beauty care industry? Here are 4 Small Business Ideas in skincare industry that guarantees a high return on investment.
1. Skin Care Consultancy: A lot of ladies cannot stick to a particular skincare product because of lack of professional advice. They experiment with their tender skin with a hope of finding the right formula to enhance their beauty. Most of them end up causing more harm than good as a result of their trial and error. I know a few consultants that offer advice on skin care and they make good money. A friend who has a massage parlor also has a skin blog that gets a lot of hit per day and this is money. 
2. Soap/Cream Production: If you are able to make a soap/cream that does what it says it does, then be assured that you have gotten the golden goose. There are a lot of skin issue like body odor, eczema, rough skins, stretch marks that naturally creates an insatiable market.
3. Beauty Spa: Funny enough, a lot of people patronize beauty spa because of the "class thing". However, a beauty spa is where people can wash their skins, get skin treatments, open up their pores, do massages and other procedures that would lead to better, glowing skins.
4. Cosmetics sales:  This is a business that is as good as selling food items. Girls will never stop buying skin care products. Most girls will even buy a product if it is beautifully packaged and expensive without really knowing its efficiency or compatibility with their skin. They can dump what they bought second ago because of an advice from another lady with a glossy skin. 

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Nigerian Woman Shows Off Giant Cassava Tuber She Harvested From Her Farm (Photo)

  A woman from Orlu, Imo State showed off a giant Cassava tuber she harvested from her farmland, NairaNaijaNews reports. See photo below.