Thursday, March 06, 2014

Head-butt: Pardew charged by English FA

Newcastle manager Alan Pardew’s head-butt on an opposition player has landed him with an improper conduct charge by the English Football Association (FA) and the prospect of a lengthy ban. As widely expected, the FA acted swiftly Monday to charge the 52-year-old Pardew, who has until March 6 to respond. “Due to the serious violent and/or aggressive nature of the reported behavior this case has been designated as non-standard,” a statement on the official FA website said. Newcastle’s English Premier League match Saturday at Hull City’s KC stadium was in the 72nd minute when Pardew was involved with an altercation with the home side’s David Meyler, who was retrieving a ball for a throw in. Pardew, who had been standing in his side’s technical area, made a forward movement with his head, which was spotted by referee Kevin Friend, who sent him to the stands. Newcastle won the match 4-1, but within hours of the match finishing the club took disciplinary action against Pardew, fining him £100,000 ($168,000) and warning him about his future behavior.

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  A woman from Orlu, Imo State showed off a giant Cassava tuber she harvested from her farmland, NairaNaijaNews reports. See photo below.